Thursday, March 29, 2012

The masterpieces

As the title suggests,these are probably the sketches i'm the happiest with! They're not fantastic or anything,but they are personal favourites :) These are real-life sketches/fine art, as my teacher used to call them! Enjoy :D

1.These two pictures of the cross and candle respectively were drawn for a Lent booklet! Personally,i really like the creases i drew on the cloth! The people are a bit awkward but i didn't know how people in Jesus' time looked from the back :D

2.This is a picture of a blue jay, bird.

3. A pair of fluffy dogs! I copied it from a calendar! Till this day,i still don't know what breed they are. I think they might be shina ibus or really,really fluffy japanese spitzs.

4....AND *drumroll* THE MASTERPIECE. Okay,it isn't anything much,but it's possibly the most detailed drawing i've ever done in pencil. It's a dragon from the cover of a book by Naomi (something.). I was competing with my brother and really outdid him in the end :)
Ignore the drunk mushroom below.

Count the cars that pass by


Just some of my old manga drawings that have already been scanned into the system. Would be a waste if i didn't display them somewhere. 
When i have the time,i'll probably photograph the ones that i'm more pleased with :) Stay tuned!

They're all rough scans, so pardon the quality or the crooked-ness.

1.An original design. I designed this "scorpion bankai" for my best friend in 2008! Inspired by Bleach. Left it face-less because i was afraid drawing anything there would ruin it.

2.Compilation sketch of photos from "Spiral Alive" and "Double Arts"! Also sketched in 08'.

3.Random Santa-nita (yeah,i made that term up) for Christmas! Sketched in 2008.

4.Terrible,weird looking picture i drew for a friend's birthday,since he was a fan of Zelda and Pokemon. I don't even know why i uploaded this O_O Sketched in 2006 (CHART THE IMPROVEMENT.) When i was still using colour pencils *shudder*

Painting a world

So here are a few of my watercolour pieces (yes,i don't care,i'm spelling it with a "u")! Pardon the unsightliness - i'm still a noob :)
Credits to Lesley for being a wonderful art teacher! Check out her illustration blog for real professional drawings!

In chronological order, from the earliest to the latest:

1. Pepsi can (i know,it's not very proportionate :/)

2.Bunny perfume bottle! The top is a stuff toy bunny head,and the bottom, a bottle of perfume. Haven't yet perfected the art of drawing glass,so pardon the un-glass thing at the bottom :)

3. "1Q84" By Murakami! If you haven't read this book yet,YOU SHOULD. 
Made a stupid mistake of forgetting that the top and bottom lines are supposed to be parallel *facepalm*

4.A packet of chocolate marshmallows! The left one is the original (ignore the blue tissue box at the back). The right is my water-colour painting,which,as you can see,differs largely from the original :/ Still unfamiliar with drawing creases on any material! Also, the marshmallows resemble coagulated shit,i know. I struggled to find the right colour,and i was fed up by the time i found it,so i just painted everything XD

That's all for now :) Will be painting more soon!
All done with water colour and (c) Kristen Alexandria!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The First

Hi there :) I'm Kristen Alexandria :)
Doing a test-run on this blog which serves to display anything i create (or anything i want to post,but if it's not mine,i'll let you know).

So i guess i should start posting something soon!